Wednesday, June 29, 2005


Sunday Irritations

It seems that is very difficult for me to find a Mass (other than ones at dawn) that do not get bogged down in abuse or self-affirmation nonsense. While reading Pope Benedict's The Spirit of the Liturgy I came across his analysis of the problem of the people who worshipped the golden calf and recognized (as does he) that the problem exists as well today:

"The people cannot cope with the invisible, remote, and mysterious God. They want to bring him down into their world, into what they can see and understand. Worship is no longer going up to God, but drawing God down into one's own world. He must be there when He is needed, and He must be the kind of God that is needed. Man is using God, and in reality, placing himself above God... Worship becomes a feast that the community gives itself, a festival of the self-affirmation. Instead of being worship of God, it becomes a a circle closed in on itself...Ultimately (worship) is no longer concerned with God but with giving oneself a nice little alternative world, manufactured from one's own resources. Then liturgy really does become pointless, just fooling around... All that is left in the end is frustration, a feeling of emptiness."

Frankly I am tired of that feeling of emptiness even though I am not part of the abuse itself. For more, check out this article by Fr. Schall, S.J. Yes, he is a Jesuit with his head screwed on straight. Don't faint!

Monday, June 27, 2005


Going back to bed (maybe not)

While bishops in the United States and Mexico continue to undermine the security of the United States while appeasing the caudillos who run Mexico, strange happenings in China make me wonder what silliness in the church will be seen next.

Perhaps the ordination of women? The strange Danube Seven have cropped up again, but at least the Church is clear on this point: no ordination for women.

Then, of course, there is the news that catholic university employees supported and maybe aided the killing of Terri Schiavo.

Ah, well, not all news is bad. I copied the following from a blog run by priests. It is a pitch for a new television show:

Show #2: What Not to Wear: Clerical Edition
Granted that this is a spinoff of a very successful series, the franchise has limitless possibilities. Just when you got sick of seeing your parish priest loafing around in jeans and a t-shirt (and assuming he isn't gardening or headed to the gym), two of the designers from Renzetti's in Philadelphia swoop in and give Father a complete make-over. As they get Father fitted for a cassock, the team would take time to explain to the audience what the meaning of each vestment is and its purpose. Nothing screams High Church like a feriola (and it's so practical!). If time permits, the team also takes a flame thrower to the contents of the sacristy thus disposing of nasty, liturgical experimental vesture (assuming it's blessed) at the same time. Could also branch into getting religious back into the habit.

And from the same priest's blog:

3. In your opinion, what is the best way for new parishoners to start getting involved with their parish?
The best way is for the parishioner to get involved is to do what suits them best. If they love Knights of Columbus, then hook up with the local council. Then if there is something that needs to be added to parish life, they know who to talk to.

Okay, I'll get on with the day now!

Thursday, June 23, 2005



Here is the text of the Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution:

Amendment IV

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

And here is the decision that states that the Fourth Amendment doesn't exist.

As much as I bash him on education, Tom McClintock has it right in that he is proposing an amendment to the California Constitution so that property rights are protected.

Tuesday, June 21, 2005


War is a Moral Value for Some People

War is not a moral value... or so said the sign hanging from an apartment window on Highland Avenue in Hollywood today. My first thought was, "Well, of course it isn't a moral value." My second thought was, "Of course this idiot is implying that somehow those who support the war on terror are advocating that war is a positive moral value which is an idiotic claim to make about said supporters." (see corrected comment below)

But as I continued my drive to Canter's, my thoughts centered on the war in the Middle East, and I came to the obvious conclusion that for fanatical Islamists, war is a moral value when it is framed in the Koranic concept of jihad. Of course, the enemies of America (who call us the great satan) think they are in a jihad against us.

Of course, it is the person who wrote the sign probably thinks that the 550 or so terriorists being held in Cuba are victims of a Nazi regime. The blame America first crowd needs to take something for their mental illness.

Friday, June 17, 2005



Last night I had to suffer through the latest round of graduation at my place of work. The concept of dignity at such an event takes a greater hit every year. I expect it to be dead by next year.

Every time I wonder as to why so many of our students are ill-behaved and clueless about it, I need only to watch their families in action at graduation to learn "where they got it from."

Clothing - Most of the people in attendance look like they just stopped by after attending the swap meet (and, unfortunately, some of the faculty did not appear in much better duds either). I particularly liked the lady in her brand new West Coast Choppers t-shirt. But at least her shirt fit her properly. The new t-shirt was better than the one spotted later - an old Raider t-shirt. Oh, that crazy Raider nation. I cannot get over the idiots who continue to wear clothing that is four to five times bigger than necessary. These males walk around holding their pants up all night and look like idiots. They think they look fantastic and that I am the idiot. At least I never have to worry about my pants falling down while I am trying to take picture of someone 40 yards away (or more) with an instant camera.

Cell-phones - Yes, I am so glad that several people were more interested in their cell-phone conversations than they were in the National Anthem. Of course, many others simply chatted away during the entire ceremony save when their friend or relative walked across the stage. No need to be quiet for anyone else. "Can you hear me know as the valedictorian finally shut up!"

Boldness - I was in charge of the disabled gate (no, there was nothing wrong with the gate). I have pulled this duty in years past, but this year was the first time where one disabled person needed nine people to help him or her so as to require that the "helpers" sit in the disabled section too. One lady said, "I need to help him, and, besides, I work with the district." Hmmm... I wasn't quite sure which "him" she was referring to since the man I just let through seemed perfectly fine to me, and she was a few moments behind (I'd already shut the gate). She didn't pay much attention to "him" during the ceremony. I think the "I work with the district" line was her updated version of lines she tried to use many years ago: 1) when trying to get in a bar before turning 21, "Oh, it's okay, my boyfriend told me to meet him inside;" and, 2) "I'm with the band."

Air horns - The idiots, both students and those in the stands, who bring air horns and blast them when their name of the moment is announced should be forced to have two air horns blown for one minute in to both ears at the same time... either that, or make the air horn sound their new cell-phone ring tone so that, sooner rather than later, someone will maim them.

Beach balls - I only saw one bounce up from the graduating students... I saw two in the stands.

... and some administrators have deemed this our best senior class ever. Heaven help us!

Thursday, June 16, 2005


Iran's Election

On Friday, the Iranian people will go to the polls to elect a president who has some say in the internal affairs of Iran, but is always under the thumb of Iran's Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and the Guardian Council (the Shi'ite Islamic law watchdog). With high unemployment and a low standard of living, the Iranian people are getting antsy. However, the firm grip that the religious sphere has on the strings of power in Iran will prevent that country from seeing any real meaningful reform.

The odd thing about all this is the lack of a discussion by the MSM on Iran's role in sponsoring terrorism in Iraq. Even the Financial Times is afraid of dealing with this important part of the international puzzle although it does offer an interesting candidate profile section.

The oddest bit in the coverage of the Iranian elections is the San Francisco Chronicle's decision to sean an oddball actor, Sean Penn, to "cover" the elections for the paper. I realize that Penn is a friend of the editor of the newspaper, but is really the most qualified person to do insightful reporting on this part of the world given his past record of anti-Americanism?

In Editor and Publisher, Penn shows his ignorance when he laments that when Iranians chant "Death to America" during their prayer sessions, they are sending the wrong message in that "the message goes to the American people and is interpreted very literally."

HELLO, Sean! They mean it literally!

My prediction is that the winner of the election will pay lip service to being a positive member of the world community and will engage in "talks." However, my best guess is that the actions of Iran will not likely change for the better for those in Iran or those outside who fall victim to their state-sponsored terrorism.

Wednesday, June 15, 2005


Mexican Immigration

One in 11 Mexicans born in Mexico move to the United States and half of them do it illegaly.

How, exactly, will we be able to pay for their public services? Perhaps the money will come from the same source that Arnold is going to use for his merit-pay plan for teachers... OOPS! He has no source for those funds, and the government (federal, state and local) still is living in denial about immigration.

Tuesday, June 14, 2005


Pete Carroll

I had a great time listening to USC's head football coach, Pete Carroll, last night at the San Gabriel Valley - Inland Empire Trojan booster dinner. The man can certainly work a room, and it is easy to see why he is so popular with both alums and recruits as he makes everyone feel like he is talking directly to him or her.

On a football note, he seems most concerned with the interior portion of his defense and the place kicking and kick off duties for next year. He was not phased at all (to put it mildly) by the departure of Rocky Hinds. However, he hinted at a big running back commitment that might come about in the next few weeks.

As for the changes on the coaching staff, he tipped his hat to Chow, but focused on the new and returning coaches and their respective roles with the team.

I don't know if he is confident, crazy or both, but he certainly acts like a man that doesn't expect to lose ever again. I hope he's right!

Thursday, June 09, 2005


Schumer and Ratzinger

Last night I began reading The Spirit of the Liturgy by Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, now Pope Benedict XVI, and counldn't help but think of Charles Schumer, the senior senator from New York. Now that might strike one as odd, but let's take a look at the new Pope's words and Senator Schumer's recent comments on the floor of the Senate.

Ratzinger/Benedict wrote: "The man who puts to one side any consideration of the reality of God is a realist only in appearance. He is abstracting himself from the One in whom we 'live and move and have our being (Acts 17:28)"


"Even the decidely atheistic, materialistic systems create their own forms of cult, though, of course, they can only be an illusion and strive in vain, by bombastic trumpeting, to conceal their nothingness."

When you compare that to Senator Schumer's attack on Judge Brown, it is apparent Schumer falls into the pseudo-realist camp (although I would not label him as an atheist as I have absolutely no idea whether or not he is a practicing Jew). Yesterday, I heard a clip from Schumer on the radio in which he attacked Brown for arguing that there is a higher law than the Constitution, namely God's law. Perhaps I am wrong, but I don't remeber the good senator getting upset about the Supreme Court's reliance on international law in one of its recent rulings. It seems that the senator is much more interested in the cult of the law of men that is not influenced in any way by God than any system that might remotely reflect the idea that God has some role in our society. Of course the latter idea is more in line with the Founding Fathers vision of law and society. Schumer's idea of law seems to be more in line with that of the A.C.L.U. and the United Nations.

Friday, June 03, 2005


Right Tom, Wrong Tom

Tom McClintock is so very right on many issues. Click on the link above to read some of his screeds, several of which I support. His latest against SB 50 is right on target when it comes to the issue of issuing a drivers license to an illegal immigrant in California.

However, his post listed just below it (as it appeared in the Orange County Register) on education is down right asinine. I will comment on only one portion of it since I have no desire to waste any more of my valuable time on silliness. McClintock writes:

"Across California, children are bringing home notes warning of dire consequences if Gov. Schwarzenegger's scorched earth budget is approved - a budget that slashes Proposition 98 public school spending from $42.2 billion this year all the way down to $44.7 billion next year. That should be proof enough that our math programs are suffering."

The implication that teachers or schools are sending home such notes is news to me. Maybe it is true, but I doubt it is being done statewide. McClintock offers no evidenced to support his claim.

But, more importantly, his budget "math" is ludicrous!

The governor is claiming that he can underfund the school budget two years in a row even though he is proposing more money this than last year.

Try that one with your creditors!

You (=Arnold): Gee, I owe you 100 dollars a month, but you want 120; I don't want to pay 120 now, but how about in a year's time I pay you the 120 a month plus the extra money I owe you?

Lendor (=education): Gee, we know you've had it tough; okay.


You: Screw you! I am only going to pay you 110 dollars a month and you can forget about what I didn't pay last year! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Lendor: That's not right! I'll fight you on this!

You: Fine! I'll just change the rules!

Why should you complain? Afterall, you are getting 10 bucks more a month than you did last year!


Wednesday, June 01, 2005


Memorial Day?

I put the flag out.

I wore my flag-design shirt.

I wore my eagle belt buckle.

And many people celebrated Armenian Independence Day at the public Glendale High School on their "special day" as seen pictured in the Los Angeles Daily News on page 2 of the May 31 edition (but not online... hmmm.......).

Then there was the MacIntyre in the Morning program this a.m. talking about how Wal-Mart is "quietly" asking Anheuser-Busch to remove its point-of-sale advertising from its stores that emphasizes that AB products are "American Made" since it might offend some of the customers.

Of course there is always the Cal-State Northridge Aztlan mural as seen on the KABC-790 website.

There is also the legal community of our country helping illegal immigrants to break the laws of our country including a newscaster on the Mexican language newscast on K-MEX Channel 34 in Los Angeles (Gabriela Teissier).

Unfortunately, there is also Cardinal Roger Mahony of Los Angeles who has absolutely no grasp on the gravity of the situation when it comes to illegal immigration, its long-term human cost, and its peril to our economy, environment, and security.

In his June 1 opinion piece in the Los Angles Times super-titled "Thinking out loud" (indicating that he hasn't bothered to think about his opinion in any depth), Cardinal Mahony rationalizes the breaking of laws when he argues that even though the United States should be able to control its borders, it should make sure that "...reforms should include an opportunity for long-term illegal residents to come out of the shadows - not to be handed amnesty but to work toward permanent residency. They also should feature a temporary-worker program with worker protections that would deal with the many undocumented workers who cross and re-crosss the border. Finally, it should reform the backlogged family reunification system." Mahony thereby condones the original breaking of the law by rationalizing. Would he put up with that from a penitent in the confessional? No!

But before he stumbles and falls on that illogical point, he states, "But the church also does not condone a broken immigration system in the U.S., one that too easily can lead to the exploitation, abuse and even death of immigrants. In this land of opportunity, it is unacceptable that immigrant workers labor in unsafe conditions for wages insufficient to support their families. It is unacceptable that immigrants, including children, are shackled and detained in deplorable conditions. And it is unacceptable that already this year immigrants have died by the dozens in the California desert or in other parts of the Southwest."

Wow. Way to mix apples and oranges, Cardinal! The church should condemn a system that exploits anyone. The answer is to punish both the employer, who is breaking the law, and the employee, who is in the United States illegally, thus stifling the demand and supply and eliminating a system of abuse. However, Cardinal Mahony seems to think that it is solely the fault of the United States (and not even some individuals which is position with more credence) that people from other countries choose to break the immigration laws of the United States. This is simply asinine.

In his opinion piece, Mahony implies that all illegal immigrants are wonderful people. He should read John Dougherty's Illegal: The Imminent Threat Posed by Our Unsecured U.S.-Mexico Border. Dougherty not only documents by word, but also uses pictures to show the vast devastation left upon our environment by the illegal immigrant business. Dougherty also shows the reader the devastation that our almost open borders have on the drug trade, gang violence, the smuggling in of potential terrorists, and the actual VIOLENT CRIME suffered by our citizens working and living on the border with Mexico. This includes park ranger Kris Eggle who was killed in cold blood by members of the same "group" that Mahony wants to let in the country. Cardinal Mahony fails to address the huge financial burden that Dougherty documents. If Dougherty is not an expert with enough credentials, then the cardinal should consult Harvard's professor George Borjas and his writings on how the United States is economically hurt by illegal immigration. Unlike Mahony who offers the unsubstantiated claim that "as we have in the past, we should embrace our immigrant roots and recognize that newcomers to our land are not part of the problem, they are part of the solution," Borjas proves the opposite. In fact, Borjas has several articles and papers dealing with labor, immigration, and economics that are based on actual hard statistics and not wishful thinking.

Cardinal Mahony argues, "Our country stands at a critical point in its history. Our heritage as a nation of immigrants is at stake."

The cardinal is clueless about American History, unless Gramscian-Marxist revisionism is the accurate view. If he wants a more realistic (although I would argue less than perfect) view of American history, he should read Professor Samuel Huntington's Who Are We : The Challenges to America's National Identity. Prof. Huntington shows that the land of immigrants idea is a bunch of nonsense if one wants to talk about core American values. America was founded on the Lockean, and, dare I write it, Protestant notions of government. Although Huntington is a bit myopic about early Roman Catholic help among America's leading Catholics (including those in Maryland), he has a much clearer and realistic concept of American history than Cardinal Mahony.

In the second paragraph of his uninformed screed, Cardinal Mahony writes: "This growing hysteria is nothing new: Similar scapegoating has occurred at other troubled times in our nation's history, most prominently against Asian and European immigrants during the late 19th century and during the two world wars of the 20th century. By and large the United States has been able to resist the temptation to close its doors to the world, but not without unjust victimization of 'foreigners.'"

No, no, no, Cardinal! America should continue to welcome foreigners, but, as Todd Buchholz argues in Bringing the Jobs Home: How the Left Created the Outsourcing Crisis--And How We Can Fix It (and, yes, I bashed his education reform ideas earlier), Americans should welcome foreigners who bringintellectuall capital to the country as they are the ones that add jobs and provide a better living for all. People who undercut union and other workers so that their bosses can make more and pay less and cut benefits should not be allowed in to the system whether they are illegal or not. Of course, that position might change if you happen to own a "catholic" cemetery and funeral home system.

Los Angeles seems to be less and less American and the deeds of war dead seem to be slowly sinking into the quagmire that is multicultural politics.

May God Bless the men and women of the armed forces especially those who have given their lives to defend our country and traditional way of life.


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