Monday, June 27, 2005


Going back to bed (maybe not)

While bishops in the United States and Mexico continue to undermine the security of the United States while appeasing the caudillos who run Mexico, strange happenings in China make me wonder what silliness in the church will be seen next.

Perhaps the ordination of women? The strange Danube Seven have cropped up again, but at least the Church is clear on this point: no ordination for women.

Then, of course, there is the news that catholic university employees supported and maybe aided the killing of Terri Schiavo.

Ah, well, not all news is bad. I copied the following from a blog run by priests. It is a pitch for a new television show:

Show #2: What Not to Wear: Clerical Edition
Granted that this is a spinoff of a very successful series, the franchise has limitless possibilities. Just when you got sick of seeing your parish priest loafing around in jeans and a t-shirt (and assuming he isn't gardening or headed to the gym), two of the designers from Renzetti's in Philadelphia swoop in and give Father a complete make-over. As they get Father fitted for a cassock, the team would take time to explain to the audience what the meaning of each vestment is and its purpose. Nothing screams High Church like a feriola (and it's so practical!). If time permits, the team also takes a flame thrower to the contents of the sacristy thus disposing of nasty, liturgical experimental vesture (assuming it's blessed) at the same time. Could also branch into getting religious back into the habit.

And from the same priest's blog:

3. In your opinion, what is the best way for new parishoners to start getting involved with their parish?
The best way is for the parishioner to get involved is to do what suits them best. If they love Knights of Columbus, then hook up with the local council. Then if there is something that needs to be added to parish life, they know who to talk to.

Okay, I'll get on with the day now!

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