Wednesday, July 03, 2024


Pray for the President

President Biden is our President. I’m praying for him because he is in such an incredibly difficult and responsible position. His performance in last week’s debate screamed “Sundowner Syndrome” if you’ve ever had to deal with someone later in the day with Alzheimer’s/Dementia. My interpretation is in NO WAY a definitive diagnosis; however, his wife needs to be his wife. Biden’s age is not the issue. It’s his health. And the REAL ISSUE is/are the issues. What candidate can best “lead” the country (remember the separation of powers folks; the President is not a dictator regardless of the silliness we see in TV ads)? I pray that the winner in November does his/her best for the country. I would hope that all of us can pray for the future of our country (or have good vibes if you aren’t into God). (BTW I have never voted for Trump in a primary, but I voted for him in the last two general elections. So, yes, I’ve got “issues” with the man.)

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