Sunday, July 21, 2024


Biden’s out; I can Ramble too

After reading lots of commentary earlier this week, I became convinced that Covid would give President Biden an out by Sunday. I got one correct for once. Now lets consider if this solely political or solely a health related reason. Let's start with the latter. If it's a health issue, then the President must resign now for the good of the Country. BUT that slams into the former. 1) Both Chambers of Congress must approve Harris' pick for VP. Senator Manchin?; 2) It appears that the Dems cant completely access the Biden war chest of $91M unless Harris is part of the ticket. Apparently that is why the Clintons quickly endorsed her. Contradiction Time! I wish it was a clear choice between Dem party politics and the health of the President. "The Big Guy" narrative as he as known to Hunter is an issue. I am cynical enough to think that Joe hangs around long enough to give a Presidential Pardon to his son before exiting the White House. If Joe is still the same old bitter politician, he will do it during or shortly after the DNC in Chicago. If he's the team player that Dems say he is, he will wait until after the election.

Wednesday, July 17, 2024


This and That

If you read my last post, you should've noticed that it wasn't a fluid post from an argument standpoint. I'll get back to those; but, in this time, our Country has electronically induced ADD. So I post a bit like that. I should only do that on X. But forgive me. I can't believe Mark Harmon attacked Trump for the size of his ear bandage. If there was one thing that I thought the left wouldn't have brought up, the bandage was it. I expected some odd conspiracy theories from both sides. But a bandage conspiracy? The security detail FAILED in a dramatic fashion. Fix it! RNC SLUT WALK Anyone who understands MAGA (love the idea AND I voted for Haley) knows that the real GOP really supports freedom moreso than the DNC. We have absolute idiots that are "Conservatives" who won't recognize the planks in their eyes while pointing out the specks in their neighbor's eyes. I have NO problem with the RNC speakers chosen. God Bless William Pekrul!

Monday, July 15, 2024


Crazy stuff

The aamount of rhetotic on both sides of the aisle about who is Nazi has been disturbing I would suggest that everyone review what a "Nazi" is versus the original "Fascist" concept was under Mussolini I'm not supporting either and both are appalling But the authoritarian nonsense mentality of Germany and Italy (and Japan) made a "good" fit. I continue to argue that the Progressive movement, including Teddy Rosevelt, shares a lot the same ideals SHARES! So the difference is that FDR was denied another term by death before an amendment was added to prevent more than two terms in a row Both Biden and Trump are goofy But who is best to lead the Executive Branch right now? I say Harris (and she should lead the Dem party against Trump IMO)

Wednesday, July 03, 2024


Pray for the President

President Biden is our President. I’m praying for him because he is in such an incredibly difficult and responsible position. His performance in last week’s debate screamed “Sundowner Syndrome” if you’ve ever had to deal with someone later in the day with Alzheimer’s/Dementia. My interpretation is in NO WAY a definitive diagnosis; however, his wife needs to be his wife. Biden’s age is not the issue. It’s his health. And the REAL ISSUE is/are the issues. What candidate can best “lead” the country (remember the separation of powers folks; the President is not a dictator regardless of the silliness we see in TV ads)? I pray that the winner in November does his/her best for the country. I would hope that all of us can pray for the future of our country (or have good vibes if you aren’t into God). (BTW I have never voted for Trump in a primary, but I voted for him in the last two general elections. So, yes, I’ve got “issues” with the man.)


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