Monday, March 05, 2007
Benedict v. Mahony

Pope Benedict tabbed the very conservative Cardinal Biffi to give the annual Lenten retreat lecture. Cardinal Biffi focused on the fact that the anti-Christ and his minions walk amongst us, and their work can be identified in their "liberal" approach to religion.
At his annual train wRECk conference, Cardinal Mahony, once again, brought out the loonies whose speeches would seem to identify them as those who adhere to the anti-Christ message identified by Cardinal Biffi. (Note: you'll have to scroll down a bit to get to past former speakers to this years list in the linked .pdf file.)
I strongly urge you to protest Mahony's blatantly anti-Catholic message by not giving a single penny to Together in Mission. Rather, give it directly to the poor (as my wife and I are in the process of doing by helping out loyal Catholics in Samoa), or give money to the Bishop Appeal's Fund in other areas of the country that have a loyal catholic bishop as their leader (a couple are permanently linked in the sidebar to the left of this post.)
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