Thursday, January 26, 2006
Is This Charitable Love?
Pope Benedict's encyclical released yesterday makes for an intersting read. to summarize it simply: Follow Jesus' command to love one another as I have loved you. This command certainly includes charity. But is there a reasonable Christian limit to charity?
For example, is it charitable to erect "shooting-houses" as one group of nuns did in Sydney, Australia so that drug addicts could be assured of using clean needles so as to lessen the risk of contracting AIDS?
I would argue that true charity would be to erect homes that help people kick the habit.
Is it charitable to coddle law breakers and allow them to prey on society rather than reforming the system to prevent them from roaming on our streets even if they come form hardship?
I would argue that true charity would be designed to protect those who follow the laws. However, there are many groups and people who disagree with my position. Perhaps the most noticeable are Catholic Charities and the three Bishops of Arizona. Recently the Bishops of Arizona's 2004 letter to President Bush on illegal immigration (ooops! they call them migrants, has popped up again in the news.
The Bishops, in passing, recognize that there exist "economic inequities and other social factors which (sic) force individuals to leave their homes, at great risk to themselves." It is not clear if the Bishops are blaming Mexico, the United States, or the governments of both countries for these problems.
What is clear in the Bishop's letter is that they have absolutely no regard for those people in the United States who have been victims of crimes of illegal aliens. The Bishops refuse to call these aliens what they are: illegal. The Bishop's choose to redefine the debate by calling the illegal aliens migrants, as if they were legal United States citizens relocating from one state to another.
Additionally, they want the United States government to reward the law breakers with legal status, and they want to make it easier for these law breakers to bring their families into the United States thus causing further problems for our already social service systems including hospitals and schools. Additionally, as pointed out in a 2001 University of Arizona study, the cost of dealing with the illegal aliens who break laws once they get here has hit $125 million per year and is growing.
The Bishop's charity is going to get more people killed, hurt and robbed. it is charity the United States can do without.
Note at 7:58 p.m. Then there is this.
For example, is it charitable to erect "shooting-houses" as one group of nuns did in Sydney, Australia so that drug addicts could be assured of using clean needles so as to lessen the risk of contracting AIDS?
I would argue that true charity would be to erect homes that help people kick the habit.
Is it charitable to coddle law breakers and allow them to prey on society rather than reforming the system to prevent them from roaming on our streets even if they come form hardship?
I would argue that true charity would be designed to protect those who follow the laws. However, there are many groups and people who disagree with my position. Perhaps the most noticeable are Catholic Charities and the three Bishops of Arizona. Recently the Bishops of Arizona's 2004 letter to President Bush on illegal immigration (ooops! they call them migrants, has popped up again in the news.
The Bishops, in passing, recognize that there exist "economic inequities and other social factors which (sic) force individuals to leave their homes, at great risk to themselves." It is not clear if the Bishops are blaming Mexico, the United States, or the governments of both countries for these problems.
What is clear in the Bishop's letter is that they have absolutely no regard for those people in the United States who have been victims of crimes of illegal aliens. The Bishops refuse to call these aliens what they are: illegal. The Bishop's choose to redefine the debate by calling the illegal aliens migrants, as if they were legal United States citizens relocating from one state to another.
Additionally, they want the United States government to reward the law breakers with legal status, and they want to make it easier for these law breakers to bring their families into the United States thus causing further problems for our already social service systems including hospitals and schools. Additionally, as pointed out in a 2001 University of Arizona study, the cost of dealing with the illegal aliens who break laws once they get here has hit $125 million per year and is growing.
The Bishop's charity is going to get more people killed, hurt and robbed. it is charity the United States can do without.
Note at 7:58 p.m. Then there is this.