Sunday, May 08, 2005


Weekend Oddities

Just things I saw this last weekend...

1) A man driving a mini-van with conservative political markings wearing a brand new Thomas the Tank Engine shirt while screaming the lyrics to an Offspring song (oooooops, that was me in the rear view mirror) and that was on Friday morning;

2) An old man, wearing a hat, driving the speed limit plus some, with an AAA sticker on his bumper that was put on STRAIGHT;

3) A jay-skater in Santa Barbara on his cell phone and sucking down a milk shake while crossing busy State Street near the freeway on-ramp;

4) Two ladies in their 70's sitting at the Starbucks with their feet up on the chairs and railings (while wearing short dresses) and checking out the people biking by in Santa Barbara;

5) Blogger working with MAC (well, with 10.4... it didn't with 10.3.9);

6) Listening to my kindly next-door-neighbor-Lutheran-minister-to-the-prisons tell me about all the gays in the Catholic seminary while finding it difficult to rebut him since the last priest (two weeks ago) I heard promoting the seminary was gay (well, it sure seemed that way).

7) Wondering about the two black helicopters flying over me in Ventura and then again several hours later in Glendale (and there were four in Glendale);

8) A car with a bumper sticker that read, "My Child is an HONOR Student at XXXX Elementary" next to a bumper sticker that read, "Kerry-Edwards in '04 - Reinstoring Integrity." I guess he didn't believe the Swiftboat Vets;

9) The new Budweiser Light billboard on the 210 near the Miller plant that proclaimed that it was "real" even though the two people in the ad were drawings of an artist;

10) Ascencion Sunday... the reason given a few years ago for the change was that people were just too busy to come to Mass on a Thursday... I guess this year they were too busy celebrating a meaningless battle in a foreign country.

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