Thursday, February 24, 2005
This and That
*Out of the Closet!
Well, that is what many news outlets were reporting after Sunday night's The Simpsons episode aired in which one of of Marge's sisters declared she was gay and then married her lover. Other than the fact that it went against previous story lines, the whole concept of "out of the closet" came crashing down on me like never before - somewhat like the contents of my closet have done to me in the past.
No, gay men have not been randomnly stored in my various closets over the years. Rather, distinct parts of my heterosexual history have been, and still are to a degree, stored on shelves, floors and hangers. Items such as baseball, hockey, football, and basketball cards (in large amounts). Old t-shirts and golf-shirts for various teams (primarily football) that I have either supported or worked for in the past. Baseball and cowboy hats along with various footware for the participation in events ranging from hiking to hockey have been stored in my closets. Yes, my closets have been chock full of things that have collected dust and/or fell on me as I opened the closet.
So, what the heck does "out of the closet" mean in a world like mine? I guess if I were gay it would mean either that I have hidden homosexual "things" in my closet, or, perhaps, I engaged in homosexual activity in them. But, considering all of the stuff that was stored in the closet (none of which might be deemed homosexual as far as I can tell), there has never been any room to do anything in there! As for hidden things, I only hide my kid's presents in there.
No, I cannot come out of the closet since I cannot find my way into any of mine in the first place. I suppose the folks at Air America would argue that I am ignoring my latent homosexuality by stuffing my closet so full of heterosexual things that I cannot find room for myself in the closet;, thus, I cannot come out of it.
I miss the NHL.
*Graffiti on the Walls (and windows, and doors, etc.)
The powers that be in my school district refuse to put fences around my campus. The number main reasons for not doing this is that, "it would send the wrong signal to the community, and it would make us look like a prison."
Like San Marino High School?
Given the mounting damage to school property and the very recent gang incidents of the last couple of days (minor as they may be), it is about time that we visibly told and showed the community that the safety of our students and the protection of our property is a priority. Those who like the "open feel" and the "park like" atmosphere need to stop sipping tea with Shirley MacLaine. Shirley is the one who is famous for, among other things, arguing that the people involved in the 9/11 attacks need to be loved more.
Reality dictates otherwise in both cases.
Of course, if the DISTRICT refuses to do anything, are we within in our rights to lock and load? Or, will my (or someone's) next of kin have to sue the district into bankruptcy in order for them to become more responsible? See no evil, hear no evil, etc. Maybe devolution is real!
My wife's cute!
My next post
I am currently reading and pondering the contents of the latest edition of First Things and the Anti-Chomsky Reader. My guess is that I will eventually ramble on about both. Oh, and I got another new book on liturgical reform. After skimming through it, I convinced more than ever that the 1962 Mass, be in\t recited in Latin or the local language, is far superior to anything that has followed it. So, I have much material to digest and regurgitate to you in the next couple of weeks, so...
Well, that is what many news outlets were reporting after Sunday night's The Simpsons episode aired in which one of of Marge's sisters declared she was gay and then married her lover. Other than the fact that it went against previous story lines, the whole concept of "out of the closet" came crashing down on me like never before - somewhat like the contents of my closet have done to me in the past.
No, gay men have not been randomnly stored in my various closets over the years. Rather, distinct parts of my heterosexual history have been, and still are to a degree, stored on shelves, floors and hangers. Items such as baseball, hockey, football, and basketball cards (in large amounts). Old t-shirts and golf-shirts for various teams (primarily football) that I have either supported or worked for in the past. Baseball and cowboy hats along with various footware for the participation in events ranging from hiking to hockey have been stored in my closets. Yes, my closets have been chock full of things that have collected dust and/or fell on me as I opened the closet.
So, what the heck does "out of the closet" mean in a world like mine? I guess if I were gay it would mean either that I have hidden homosexual "things" in my closet, or, perhaps, I engaged in homosexual activity in them. But, considering all of the stuff that was stored in the closet (none of which might be deemed homosexual as far as I can tell), there has never been any room to do anything in there! As for hidden things, I only hide my kid's presents in there.
No, I cannot come out of the closet since I cannot find my way into any of mine in the first place. I suppose the folks at Air America would argue that I am ignoring my latent homosexuality by stuffing my closet so full of heterosexual things that I cannot find room for myself in the closet;, thus, I cannot come out of it.
I miss the NHL.
*Graffiti on the Walls (and windows, and doors, etc.)
The powers that be in my school district refuse to put fences around my campus. The number main reasons for not doing this is that, "it would send the wrong signal to the community, and it would make us look like a prison."
Like San Marino High School?
Given the mounting damage to school property and the very recent gang incidents of the last couple of days (minor as they may be), it is about time that we visibly told and showed the community that the safety of our students and the protection of our property is a priority. Those who like the "open feel" and the "park like" atmosphere need to stop sipping tea with Shirley MacLaine. Shirley is the one who is famous for, among other things, arguing that the people involved in the 9/11 attacks need to be loved more.
Reality dictates otherwise in both cases.
Of course, if the DISTRICT refuses to do anything, are we within in our rights to lock and load? Or, will my (or someone's) next of kin have to sue the district into bankruptcy in order for them to become more responsible? See no evil, hear no evil, etc. Maybe devolution is real!
My wife's cute!
My next post
I am currently reading and pondering the contents of the latest edition of First Things and the Anti-Chomsky Reader. My guess is that I will eventually ramble on about both. Oh, and I got another new book on liturgical reform. After skimming through it, I convinced more than ever that the 1962 Mass, be in\t recited in Latin or the local language, is far superior to anything that has followed it. So, I have much material to digest and regurgitate to you in the next couple of weeks, so...