Wednesday, November 17, 2004



According to the Webster's Student Dictionary that rests in my lap, the definition of "insurgent" is as follows: a person who takes part in an uprising against an established government.

The MSM loves calling the terrorists in Iraq "insurgents." Chris Matthews goes even further by saying that they are not "bad guys" but folks who happen "to disagree" with us.

To view the terrorists as anything but that is to misunderstand them which can be a deadly mistake.


Dana Rohrbacher is seeking a change in a core definition in the U.S. Constitution. He is proposing that any foreign-born but naturalized citizen of the United States who has lived here for 20 years should be eligible to be president.

This is a bad idea.

The commander-in-chief should not have a hint of any type of foreign allegiance due to birth. His or her allegiance should be to the United States of America. To gamble with this for short-term political gain is a grave mistake.

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