Wednesday, April 24, 2013
I'm Back
Sometime in the next month I will resume blogging in a full column style as the Spirit or as my cranky attitude moves me on my blog site.
Like most of you, I have had a crazy last couple of weeks in general. I have had a crazy, and so strange, last day and a half.
I had no intention of restarting my column/blog (half-assed or not!) prior to 1:45 today.
I listen to the Catholic Channel's Daily Mass from St. Patrick's when I can on the way to work as often as I can as part as my on going Lenten promise. Today's sermon (by Msgr. Weber? missed the intro) was instructive and positive.
Thank God for our WW II Vets!
You risked your lives to defend our freedoms, and now, many of the generations after just don't give a damn about your sacrifice or the Constitution.
--------- The above is from my Facebook page. I'm back